Thursday, April 6, 2017

You Are Not Alone

We love our children, and there are many wonderful things about being a full-time mother and homemaker. Needless to say, however, there are many hard things too. Not the least of which is the feeling like you are alone. Yes, you are in this with your husband, but if you are home All Day with your kids, then it can definitely, sometimes, feel like you are alone. Because, if he isn't there all day like you are, he doesn't quite understand. He may be the most wonderful, helpful, thoughtful husband in the world, but there still may creep in a feeling of alone-ness.  Sometimes, one of the most helpful things to know is, "it isn't just me." 
      As crazy as it may sound, it is encouraging to hear that someone else's kids won't obey; that other moms, besides me, feel like they are constantly yelling; that it isn't only my house that just won't seem to stay clean; that "little Jimmy" has been a nightmare this week.  I am not a mean-spirited person who reveling in another person's difficult week. Why, then, do I like hearing these things? Because it reminds me that I Am Not Alone. These difficulties that arise, are not because I am a failure. 
      It is hard, sure, but that is okay. There will be some bad days, and some good days, but I am not alone. I will do my best. I will handle the tantrums, the messes, the laundry, the meals, the sick kids, etc. But I will take comfort in the knowledge that when I struggle, others are struggling too, and we cna lift each other up in prayer as we continue to struggle together. We may not be working side-by-side, but we are working towards the same end, raising our children well. The difficulties that come, are not because you are a bad mom, it it because they are all part of the job. Just remember, you are not alone. Pray for me. I will be praying for you.


  1. This totally hits home for me! I feel the same way! Thanks so much for sharing this!

  2. I have been thinking about this a lot lately. It only hit me recently that when I think that it is just me, I am much more apt to think of every difficulty as a failing on my part---my kid is throwing a tantrum in the grocery store BECAUSE I am a bad mmom---rather than just the difficulties that come with being a mom. Granted, I can handle said tantrum in a manner that will either make it more or less likely that the a tantrum will happen again in the future, but even the best moms in the world have problems now and then. It is God reminding us that, we cannot do this on our own, without relying upon and turning to Him.

  3. I love this reminder! How timely! Thank you.
